Starting a new business? There is a lot to do, a lot to think about, and a lot to prepare for. The good news is however, it is a solved problem so rather than starting from scratch, build upon the ICatalyst...
We focus your business
ICatalyst is a Singapore based consultancy initially founded in the UK in 2007 having moved its headquarters to Singapore in 2014. ICatalyst has evolved to help Startups and SMEs identify primary value and to enable focus within those primary values.When building and running a business, focus is important, and focusing on delivering value is key to building a successful business. With all that needs to be managed it becomes easy to get tangled in a mess of secondary priorities that, while required, distract teams from bringing a business to the next level quickly. ICatalyst helps to separate and execute on those secondary tasks while you and your team keep focus on what drives your business forward. We take care of the secondary tasks to enable you to better leverage your team and build your business.
Business Cycle Stages
- Product Development
- Introduction
- Growth
- Maturity
- Decline